Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Mana Pools - Chitake 1 - 24 June

The trip out from Matusadona was a bit quicker only 4.5 hrs. Gavin and Rita had a blow out probably caused by the rocks. Made it to Karoi and camped at the Twin Rivers Motel - they let us use the chalet bathrooms.

Gavin got a new tyre fitted early Monday morning and Nico, Marian, Hennie and Ronelle arrived and we set off.

Not a bad trip except for first 30 km into Mana which is quite badly corrugated. Went through 3 check points before arriving at our camp around 13.30 .

Park fees are US$15 per person per day and $10 per vehicle.

Before we could finish setting up camp a lion came strolling past us in the river bed so everyone scrambled for cover then cameras came out. A lone elephant followed shortly after then a buffalo. Animals were coming down for a night cap. A huge troop of baboons entertained us until they went to bed in the trees across the river bed.

We had so much activity around all night we got little sleep. Lion, hyena, elephant and baboons

Up early and collected water from the spring for our showers. There are no facilities at the campsite, just a beautiful massive Natal Mahogany tree. The little stream suddenly started to flow yesterday afternoon and is now trickling right past our camp.

Baboons are up and there is a hive of activity must be about 100 of them providing us with great entertainment.

Took a stroll up the river bed then drove around to see the avenue of old baobabs very impressive. Stopped for tea and watched a few buffalo come down to drink.

Heading back to our own camp which seems to be the best place for game viewing and enjoying a few ice cold beers.

Last night our camp was surrounded by 3 lion calling each other -  they sounded like they were in bed with us!!

Leave for Mana Pools this morning...have not been able to get data signals to send to the blog.. Will remove the pictures and try again.

This last picture(when they eventually come thru.) shows everyone trying to help Rita & Gavin put their shower cubicle  back in it's cover...I think you need a degree!!

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha ha ha ha - I have one of those shower tents, after 2 years I still can't get it right and end up shoving it into the trailer "as is" - LOL!
